We were threatened with debt collectors over a bill we weren’t allowed to pay

Seeing red over Green Star Energy overdue account that we can’t pay.

Green Star Energy was unable to get our names on an account despite repeated calls

We moved into a new house which had gas and electricity supplied by Green Star Energy. In the five months since, we’ve been unable to get our names on the account, despite repeated calls, while at the same time we were being sent increasingly aggressive demands for payment. It tells us that without our names on the account, we can’t pay the bill.

We’ve twice been told the issue has been resolved, but are still receiving the demands and have yet to receive a bill with our name on it.

The latest letter told us that unless we paid by a date that had already passed, action would be taken to recover the debt. We called again to try to pay and were told we couldn’t without our name on the account … and our name couldn’t be put on the account because it couldn’t do the security check because our name wasn’t on the account!

We face debt collectors over a bill we’re not allowed to pay and I’m worried my credit rating will be affected.

HSH, Bristol

This farce would be comical if the potential repercussions were not so grave, as an unpaid debt could blight your creditworthiness.

Green Star explained that when the previous owners moved out, it created a new account named The Occupier. The idea was to add your name once it had been notified who had bought the property, but due to an “error” this was never done. It had numerous opportunities to correct the mistake when you tried to pay, but no one had the wit to do so.

“We take full responsibility for this and have reassured the customer the information has been updated, and there is no impact on his established credit rating,” it says.

You’ve now been sent a proper bill and given three months to pay the accrued debt. You’d think a goodwill gesture would be forthcoming, but sadly its contrition is in word only.

If you need help email Anna Tims at your.problems@observer.co.uk or write to Your Problems, The Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Include an address and phone number. Submission and publication are subject to our terms and conditions